
How to Use BMR for Weight Loss | BMR Calculator & Tips

How to Use BMR for Weight Loss | BMR Calculator & Tips

13th Sep 2024

Why Is BMR Important for Weight Loss? Want to know how much BMR is good for weight loss? We’ve got you covered! This article will cover what BMR is, the factors that affect BMR and how to use BMR to lose weight. Jump there now: BMR Meaning BMR vs RMR Should I Use My BMR to Lose Weight? How to Increase BMR for Weight Loss? End Note BMR Meaning So, what is a BMR? BMR stan …
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The Role of Exercise in Weight Loss: Tips and Benefits

The Role of Exercise in Weight Loss: Tips and Benefits

31st Aug 2024

The Role of Exercise in Weight Loss In order to lead a healthy life, we’re told we need to eat a healthy, balanced diet, sleep enough, reduce our stress and exercise. It’s what we’ve also spoken about often here at Xandro, as all of your health and longevity strategies should accompany these lifestyle changes. The same goes for weight loss and then keeping it off. But does exercise reduce …
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Why Diet is Key to Effective Weight Loss and Management

Why Diet is Key to Effective Weight Loss and Management

24th Aug 2024

What is the Role of Diet in Weight Loss? Are you having trouble losing weight? It can be incredibly difficult, especially with all the various weight management strategies out there and people telling you that their diet is the best. This brings us to the point of today’s article: why is diet key to weight loss? Jump there now: How Important is Diet to Losing Weight? The Role of …
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The Different Types of Body Fat

The Different Types of Body Fat

17th Aug 2024

Which Fats Are Good, Which to Avoid and How They Affect Your Body Have you ever wondered about the types of fats in your body? What about the different types of belly fat and how to get rid of it? This article will go over the difference between fat in your body, the ideal fat distribution types and how to get rid of fat. Jump there now: What is Visceral Fat and Su …
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Top Ways to Increase Your Metabolism

Top Ways to Increase Your Metabolism

10th Aug 2024

How to Increase Metabolism Weight loss and then weight management is difficult. It can be difficult to break bad habits and to form new ones, and then there are factors beyond your control that cause weight gain, such as certain diseases, thyroid problems and then the subsequent medication. It’s not easy, but hopefully, through our blogs, we can provide you with a wealth of information that …
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