
Moderation is Key: Risks of Taking Too Many Vitamin Supplements

Moderation is Key: Risks of Taking Too Many Vitamin Supplements

17th Oct 2023

Is there such thing as taking too many supplements?

Yes, taking higher-than-recommended doses of vitamin supplements can do your body more harm than good due to their concentrated doses, as well as taking supplements your body doesn’t need.

Even as a supplement company, we understand that you should always take supplements in moderation and should be used to supplement the gaps in your diet where you’re missing key nutritional needs.

Always look at your diet and see if you can make changes before resorting to supplements. If you’re in a period in your life where you need to take nutritional supplements, take ones that you are deficient in or know you will be lacking.

If you choose to take a multivitamin, look for one that has no more than 100 per cent of the daily value of any of the nutrients it contains. When taken in moderation, most vitamin and mineral supplements won’t cause you harm.

High doses of vitamin C, however, can lead to stomach cramps and diarrhoea, while high doses of vitamin A, D and other nutrients can lead to severe, long-term complications like liver and kidney problems.

Also, remember that even if a supplement is considered safe, the one you take might not be safe for you or the recommended dosage might not be right for you. For example, although most people don’t get enough potassium from their diet, those with chronic kidney disease can develop abnormally high levels of potassium in their blood. Known as hyperkalaemia, this can cause serious heart problems, even more so if more potassium is added to their diet.

You’re more likely to overdose on fat-soluble vitamins stored in your body’s tissues, rather than water-soluble ones excreted from your body. It is still possible, though. The most common supplements people seem to overdo are:

  • Vitamin D
  • Iron
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C (water-soluble)
  • Calcium

Always make sure to double-check with your healthcare provider about the supplements you’re taking regularly to ensure you’re protecting your health, rather than destroying it.