
Is Taking Resveratrol A Good Longevity Strategy?

Is Taking Resveratrol A Good Longevity Strategy?

14th Jun 2024

Popular Influencer Longevity Regimes: Resveratrol

If you’re into advice from longevity experts and are looking for ways to live longer or how longevity strategies, you will probably have heard of taking a resveratrol supplement.

This longevity method has been one that the best longevity doctors and longevity gurus have talked about in videos, blogs and longevity podcasts, so this article will cover resveratrol and how it may help extend your health span.

For more strategies answering the question, ‘How do I improve my longevity?’ click below to check out our other parts:


What is it?

Resveratrol is a type of plant known as a polyphenol, which has antioxidant properties and which has many benefits for healthy aging. It’s used for longevity has it may activate sirtuin enzymes (SIRT1 and SIRT2 genes), which make proteins that help increase lifespan.

Further Reading: Resveratrol and Weight Management

The Pros

  • Activate sirtuin enzymes that may increase lifespan as well as prevent glycation, a process that produces advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which are a sign of aging and can damage other cells and tissues.
  • Has antioxidant properties that help protect our cells from the damage caused by free radicals, which eventually damage our DNA and can contribute to diseases and aging.
  • It’s an anti-inflammatory that can reduce oxidative stress, possibly reducing inflammation in people with obesity, liver disease and even in individuals that don’t have chronic conditions.
  • Benefits cardiovascular health by helping the body maintain a healthy blood pressure.
  • Helps with weight loss by reducing body mass, fat mass and BMI in obese patients while increasing lean mass. It also boosts metabolism and fat burning by mimicking calorie restriction.
  • Helps improve immunity by helping the immune system adapt to changes.
  • May help the body regulate gut bacteria, promoting the growth of good bacteria, which helps with digestion and the immune system.
  • Can help prevent high blood sugar and lower blood glucose, and improve insulin levels, HDL levels and fasting blood glucose in those with type-2 diabetes.
  • Has some benefits on cognitive function in postmenopausal women.
  • Resveratrol may help prevent vascular disease, age-related cataracts and brain disorders, such as dementia.

Further Reading: Resveratrol and Brain Function

The Cons

  • May hinder the positive effects of exercise on inflammation in skeletal muscle and on oxidative stress in healthy men, and it may lower testosterone.
  • Resveratrol may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and liver dysfunction, however, long-term clinical trials have not found any major effects.
  • Taking more than 2.5g of resveratrol increases the risk of side effects, but it is considered safe to take up to 5g per day.
  • Avoid taking resveratrol if you are on medications that are processed by the liver, such as those involving cytochrome enzymes, as it may alter the effects and side effects of these medications.
  • Resveratrol can act as both an oestrogen blocker and an estrogen mimic. Therefore, individuals with oestrogen-driven cancers should not use resveratrol.


Resveratrol’s ability to mimic calorie restriction has been shown in studies across animal species, which has led to research into resveratrol’s benefits in humans (although, some studies found this wasn’t the case) It was through this that it was found that the SIRT2 gene is involved in how the body responds to calorie restriction, and through further screening, it was found that the human version of SIRT2, SIRT1, and resveratrol, are potentially effective for longevity in humans.

Through this, plenty of lab tests and mice clinical studies have been conducted to show the cardiovascular, diabetes, neurodegeneration, weight loss and longevity benefits, as shown above. In yeast, worms, fruit flies and vertebrate fish, resveratrol has been found to significantly increase lifespan, and in mice, this has been found in those that consumed high-calorie diets (showing its calorie restriction mimicking properties), although a 2013 study has shown no significant results. These direct longevity results, however, haven’t yet been fully tested in humans.

In humans, resveratrol has been found to block the growth of several types of cancer cells, such as breast, liver, pancreatic, colon, prostate and skin, white blood cells, thyroid and lung cancers, but more studies on trans-resveratrol, the bioavailable form of resveratrol which normally has a poor absorption into the body, is needed to test these in cancer patients. One month-long study found that it reduced the cancer cell increase in colon cancer with minimal side effects. The new formulations of resveratrol are currently showing positive signs.

Human studies have also shown its benefits on cardiovascular health in middle aged adults as well as on cognitive function, such as memory and learning, in older adults, which may contribute to increased longevity.

A 2005 study suggested that resveratrol’s longevity benefits needed to be re-examined due to a proposed error suggesting that it was a synthetic dye that activated the SIRT2 gene, however, over 130 human clinical trials surrounding resveratrol have found it to be safe, with mild side effects. Another study showed that resveratrol may cause stress in human cells, although studies have shown that low-dose resveratrol were found to protect genome stability by reducing stress, so results are conflicting. While no direct link has been shown between resveratrol and lifespan, its indirect benefits may help improve health span in humans, and studies have shown topical resveratrol and its anti-inflammatory and colon cancer prevention properties to be promising.

Who talks about it?

  • Dr. David Sinclair: Takes resveratrol daily as part of his longevity regime to activate sirtuins that guard and protect DNA, taking it alongside NMN.
  • Joe Rogan: A comedian, UFC commentator and podcast host who has mentioned on his podcast that he takes resveratrol as part of his supplement regimen.

Xandro Lab’s Trans-Resveratrol

Here at Xandro, we have compiled research into resveratrol and created our own resveratrol supplement. Trans-Resveratrol 500mg is the more bioavailable form of resveratrol, with strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits for your heart, blood pressure and weight management. GMP-certified, third-party lab tested, with a long shelf-life and based on scientifically backed clinical studies, this may be your next step in your biohacking journey. Grab yours today!


What are Foods High in Polyphenols and Resveratrol?

Looking for a longevity diet food list? Check out these below:


  • Berries: Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Tea: Green tea and black tea
  • Red Wine
  • Nuts: Almonds, peanuts and walnuts
  • Fruits: Apples, grapes and cherries
  • Vegetables: Spinach, onions and broccoli


  • Red Grapes: Especially in the skin
  • Red Wine: Particularly from Pinot Noir and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes
  • Berries: Blueberries, cranberries and mulberries
  • Peanuts: Especially the skin
  • Dark Chocolate

Does Resveratrol Break a Fast?

Resveratrol itself contains very few calories. Typically, it is consumed in small amounts (like in supplements), so it’s unlikely to break a fast, although, if taken with a carrier (like a pill with some fat), it could technically break a fast. Pure resveratrol supplements are usually considered safe for fasting.

Does Resveratrol Lower Estrogen?

Resveratrol can have a balancing effect on hormones. It is thought to have anti-estrogenic properties, which means it might lower estrogen levels or counteract its effects, however, the extent of this effect can vary, and in some situations, high doses of resveratrol may boost the activity of estrogen, so more research is needed for definitive conclusions.

Does Resveratrol Increase Testosterone?

There is some evidence to suggest that resveratrol might increase testosterone levels by inhibiting enzymes that convert testosterone into estrogen, although some situations, such as in women with polycystic ovary syndrome, has found it can decrease testosterone, too.

Does Resveratrol Lower Blood Sugar?

Yes, resveratrol has been shown to have a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels. It can improve insulin sensitivity, which helps lower blood sugar. This makes it potentially useful for managing conditions like type 2 diabetes.

How Much Resveratrol in Wine?

The amount of resveratrol in wine can vary widely depending on the type of grape and the winemaking process. On average:

Red Wine: Contains about 1-2 mg of resveratrol per 5-ounce (150 ml) glass.

White Wine: Contains much less, around 0.1 mg per 5-ounce glass.

Red wine has higher resveratrol content because it is fermented with the grape skins, where most of the resveratrol is found.

End Note

Be sure to check out our other parts linked at the beginning of this article for more longevity tips and to learn more about whether the longevity regimen that gurus promote will actually benefit you.

Before starting any routine or taking supplements, make sure to speak with your doctor as they can determine whether the supplement or lifestyle change will help you. They can check if it will have any interactions with any medication you’re taking or whether it will have a negative effect on any medical conditions you have.

Stay informed during in your health and biohacking journey! Read more of Xandro Lab’s blogs!