
Longevity Supplements: Boost Your Lifespan

Longevity Supplements: Boost Your Lifespan

5th Jan 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Longevity Supplements: Boosting Health and Lifespan

Understanding Longevity and Aging

Key Nutrients for Longevity and Healthy Living

Popular Longevity Supplements

All-in-One Anti-Aging Supplement — Myth or Reality?

Choosing High-Quality Supplements

Developing a Longevity Supplement Plan

Integrating Longevity Supplements with a Healthy Lifestyle

The Future of Longevity Supplements


Xandro Lab

Summary Box:

  • Healthy aging allows individuals to maintain their mobility, decision-making abilities, relationships and contributions to the community as they age.
  • As we age, our bodies undergo changes and become more susceptible to illnesses and chronic diseases.
  • Longevity supplements offer higher concentrations of essential nutrients to meet the changing nutritional needs of aging individuals.
  • Key nutrients for healthy aging include antioxidants like vitamin C and E, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, calcium and fibre.
  • Popular longevity supplements include Nicotinamide riboside (NR) and nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), Resveratrol, Curcumin, CoQ10, Collagen, Probiotics and Prebiotics.
  • There is no one-size-fits-all supplement plan for longevity and individuals should consult their healthcare professionals before starting any supplement regimen.
  • Longevity supplements work best when combined with a balanced diet, regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle.
  • The future of longevity supplements looks promising, with ongoing research on various compounds and their potential anti-aging effects.

Understanding Longevity and Aging

Nothing can prevent you from aging. Our internal clock will continue ticking away, no matter what we put into our bodies. Aging is an inevitable part of life, but it’s understandable that we want to remain as healthy and youthful for as long as possible.

How exactly do we age? While a full understanding of the causes of aging is still not known, the main proposed causes include cell damage caused by free radicals, which are reactive molecules, as well as the shortening of telomeres, which are the structures at the end of our chromosomes which play an important role in cellular division. Our cells need to divide and multiply to perform basic biological functions. Telomere shortening is also associated with disease and aging.

Other causes of aging include oxidative stress, which occurs due to elevated reactive oxygen species ( ROS) which causes severe damage to our cells, DNA, lipids and proteins, as well as chronic low-grade inflammation which contributes to various age-related disease and degradation in tissue.

There are two types of aging factors, intrinsic aging, like mentioned above, which are genetically predetermined processes that occur naturally, as well as extrinsic aging, which is a result of outside factors that you decide. These include factors like where you live and pollution levels, your stress levels, your diet and lifestyle habits, like exercising and smoking.

A longevity supplement, also known as youngevity supplements, supports healthy aging, with scientists having identified numerous substances that have some incredibly exciting potential for slowing the aging process. These have been made into dietary supplements, which are known as longevity supplements.

This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of longevity supplements, their benefits and how they can be incorporated into a balanced lifestyle.

Key Nutrients for Longevity and Healthy Living

Our bodies need a variety of nutrients to remain healthy as we age that impact our overall health. This is why it’s always recommended to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve mental health and stay fit and active.

There are particular essential nutrients that our bodies need to remain healthy and at our peak as we age. This is where the science behind longevity supplements comes in.


Antioxidants like vitamin C and E, beta-carotene, selenium and polyphenols, can protect our cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals.

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid or ascorbate, also helps with our immune system and inflammation regulation in our bodies, especially in older adults. It’s naturally found in foods like oranges, grapefruit, kiwi fruit, strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage.

Studies have shown that seniors with high levels of vitamin C have better cognitive abilities, such as attention, focus, memory, decision-making, recall and recognition, which are areas that slow down and fail us as we age. It can also help prevent cataracts, which are common as we get older.

Vitamin C can also improve our skin health through hydration, stimulating collagen production and helping with wrinkles and premature aging due to exposure to the sun, making it one of the potential wrinkle supplements.

Did you know: Collagen helps keep our teeth attached to our jaw! Many smokers have tooth loss as tobacco reduces the vitamin C in our blood, affecting our collagen production.

Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency include bruising, fatigue and depression, bleeding gums, and joint, muscle and bone pain. The recommended dosage of vitamin C is around 45mg daily, with breastfeeding women needing more. There are no significant side effects.

Vitamin E is another antioxidant that plays an important role in our immune function and the regulation of inflammation, with some research suggesting that we need it more when we’re older than younger to maintain our health as we age. It’s naturally found in meat, poultry, fish, dairy, vegetables, seeds and cereals. Women need about 7mg and men need 10mg each day. Excessive vitamin E can cause blood thinning and can increase the risk of stroke.

Further Reading: Supplements for immune function and protection against age-related illnesses

Omega-3 fatty acids

The three in omega-3 include alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

These essential fatty acids, also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids, are healthy fats found in fish, nuts and seeds that have anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce the risk of heart disease by 30 per cent. They have numerous benefits for our heart, brain and joints.

A higher intake of omega-3 fatty acids can significantly improve vascular function and lower blood pressure, with those who don’t consume enough potentially developing health problems associated with aging.

While ALA can be found in plant foods like walnuts, flax, chia and hemp seeds, it doesn’t convert well to the other two in humans, meaning we have to consume fatty fish like salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel and anchovies to get them, especially since EPA and DHA are the better of the three. This is because they have been shown to increase levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines.

There has been a link found between regular consumption of omega-3 fatty acids and a reduced risk of health conditions, like breast cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis. Fish oil supplements can also lower blood pressure and decrease platelet aggression.

Those with heart disease or high triglyceride levels may benefit from consuming more omega-3 fatty acids, with middle-aged and older adults benefitting most. Recommended dosage ranges from 1,000 to 4,000mg per day.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps our bodies stay healthy by keeping our bones and muscles strong. It cannot be produced in our bodies, so we must get it from the foods we eat, such as fortified plant milk, yoghurt, tofu, orange juice, mushrooms and salmon, or by getting enough sun.

Our bodies need vitamin D to absorb and use calcium, and together, they can help prevent osteoporosis, support anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and neuroprotective properties, as well as muscle function and brain activity. Vitamin D also plays a role in glucose metabolism and immune function.

If you're deficient in vitamin D, your risk of death increases, especially since it’s associated with inflammation. It’s associated with a variety of age-related diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and neurodegeneration.



Zinc helps our immune system and metabolic function, as well as helps our wounds heal and even contributes to our taste and smell sensibilities. Zinc also helps increase our resistance to diarrhoea, pneumonia, blood clotting and thyroid problems.

Zinc is needed more so during pregnancy, infancy and adolescence as it promotes normal growth and development.

Natually, it’s found in foods like meat, poultry, shellfish and oysters, legumes and nuts and seeds.


Magnesium is needed for hundreds of chemical reactions in our body, such as DNA repair, protein synthesis and energy production. It plays a key role in improving insulin sensitivity, regulating our blood pressure and countering inflammation. It’s also needed for muscle and nerve function.

A magnesium deficiency increases the risk of numbness, muscle pain, irregular heartbeat, hypertension, type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease, not to mention headaches, nausea and weakness.

Magnesium is mostly found in beans, nuts, seeds and green leafy vegetables, but modern diets are low in magnesium, with nearly 50 per cent of people in Europe and the United States deficient.

Further Reading: The Different Forms of Magnesium and their Benefits


Other than playing a key role in keeping our bones and teeth strong, calcium also has a major role in nerve transmission and muscular function. Calcium levels decline with age, so taking calcium can help decrease the risk of osteoporosis.

Calcium is found in foods like yoghurt, orange juice, cheese, milk, dairy products, green leafy vegetables and small fish.


This type of carbohydrate is one the body cannot digest, meaning it passes through your digestive system relatively intact. It’s found in plant foods like beans, grains, fruit and vegetables, and plays a key role in digestion and regular bowel movements, cholesterol maintenance, weight management and blood sugar regulation. Since it doesn’t digest, it ferments, providing food for good bacteria to grow in our gut.

Studies have found that people eating more fibre can decrease the risk of death, especially from chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. High fibre intake can also reduce the risk of dying from cardiac disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and colon cancer.

Consuming plenty of fibre can help to lower cholesterol levels, regulate our blood sugar and help our digestive systems. Our bodies need to be able to digest our food and absorb the nutrients, otherwise, we’re not reaping the benefits. A good gut also helps with sleep, a factor necessary to improve immunity and age well.

Popular Longevity Supplements

Other than the key nutrients mentioned above, there are various other top supplements for anti-aging.

Nicotinamide riboside (NR) and nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN)

These are both compounds that our body uses to create nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, otherwise known as NAD+. NAD+ is found in every cell in our bodies and is needed for energy metabolism, DNA repair and gene expression.

As we age, our NAD+ levels decline, which may be linked to our body’s accelerated physical decline and the start of age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s.

It’s been found that NMN and NR, the two compounds that help make NAD+, can help restore NAD+ levels as well as age-related cellular changes.

A study found that both mice and a small group of people ages 45 to 60 showed significantly lengthened telomeres when taking NMN supplements. It’s the shortening of telomeres that plays a large part in the aging process.

NMN is currently banned in some countries, including the US, the EU and China. In the US, this is because it was labelled as a supplement, not because it had any adverse effects, where, because it’s currently being tested as a potential drug, it cannot be labelled as a supplement.

Studies have found health benefits from taking a maximum dosage of 1,200mg of NMN daily and as low as 250mg. There are currently no known side effects unless they contain other ingredients.


Resveratrol is a polyphenol antioxidant that may promote longevity by activating our sirtuin enzymes (the SIRT1 and SIRT2 genes), which make proteins that help increase our lifespan. This is naturally found in grapes, berries, peanuts, dark chocolate and red wine.

It has been found to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and anti-cancer effects, as well as reduce aging processes associated with inflammation, like reactive oxygen species (ROS).

What’s more, resveratrol may prevent a process called glycation, a reaction between proteins and sugars that produces advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which are a biomarker of aging and which can cause damage to cells and tissues.

Scientific studies have suggested resveratrol may help prevent age-related cataracts, vascular disease and brain disorders like dementia. It also influences telomeres.

Resveratrol comes mainly in capsule form. The difference between resveratrol and trans-resveratrol is that the latter is more bioavailable, meaning your body can absorb and use it easier.

Some potential side effects of resveratrol include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and liver dysfunction, but long-term clinical trials have recorded no major effects. There’s currently no recommended dosage of resveratrol, but clinical trials have found it safe to take up to 5g per day, but more than 2.5g increases the risk of side effects. Don’t take resveratrol if you take medication that is changed and broken down by the liver, such as cytochrome, as it could change the effects and side effects of these medications.

Did you know: Some lifestyle factors can help preserve telomeres from shortening. This includes exercising for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise five times a week, and reducing food intake by 30 per cent.


Did you know that the primary molecule in turmeric, curcumin, has potential anti-aging and health benefits? It can reduce oxidation, thought to be the main cause of the aging process, and can protect the nerve connections in our brain from aging processes like inflammation and oxidative damage. It may even help prevent memory loss. There are some preclinical studies showing that it targets inflammatory and antioxidant pathways, with some beneficial effects on cognition in Alzheimer’s disease.

It can also block inflammatory cytokines that cause autoimmune diseases, heart disease and diabetes. Curcumin also improves our gut bacteria, which keeps our overall immune system healthy, making it one of the best longevity supplements.

As curcumin generally isn’t absorbed well, supplements are recommended. Curcumin supplements come in capsules, powders and tea.

While established as a safe nutrient to supplement, potential side effects of curcumin include diarrhoea, headache, rash, nausea and yellow stool. It has the potential to interact with blood-thinning medication, such as warfarin (Coumadin), clopidogrel (Plavix) and aspirin, possibly enhancing their blood-thinning effects.

Check out Xandro Lab’s patented Curcumin supplement here.


Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10 or ubiquinone) is a naturally occurring antioxidant needed by our cells to generate energy and, as we age, the CoQ10 found in our blood and cells starts to decrease due to reduced production and reduced absorption from foods.

Scientific evidence of CoQ10 has found that reduced levels can increase the risk of developing conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as improve function and memory in those with this condition. It may even slow cognitive decline in Parkinson’s disease and prevent macular degeneration of the eyes. For those concerned about wrinkles, topical CoQ10 may aid in their reduction.

Taking CoQ10 supplements may help support cardiovascular health by reducing inflammation and protecting against oxidative stress, as well as help improve blood sugar regulation, making it possibly one of the best anti-aging supplements.

Coenzyme Q10 can be found in organ meats, like liver, kidneys and heart, sardines, herring, peanuts, spinach and broccoli.

Coenzyme Q10 supplements come as capsules and in creams, with recommended dosage around 100 to 300mg per day. Potential side effects of CoQ10 include headaches, dizziness, insomnia, fatigue, rash and irritability. CoQ10 may cause blood-thinning medications to be less effective.

Further Reading: Can nutritional supplements enhance cognitive function and memory as we age?


Our bones, skin, tendons and muscles are primarily made of collagen, the protein found most in our body — about 30 to 35 per cent, in fact. We produce less collagen as we age, with other aging factors like stress resulting in the aging of the skin, i.e., wrinkles.

Collagen peptides are beneficial to take as a supplement to reduce UV-B-induced skin damage and sun-related aging. This means that taking collagen orally has been found to improve skin aging. Collagen anti-aging supplements have also been found to improve skin hydration, elasticity and protection — pills to look younger, perhaps? Together with a healthy skincare routine, collagen supplements can play a role in supporting skin longevity.

Hydrolysed collagen supplements are in capsule or powder form and benefits have been found when taking a dosage of up to 15g per day, while undenatured collagen saw benefits at doses of 10 to 40mg per day. Follow the recommended doses by the manufacturer. There are no major side effects, but you might feel a feeling of heaviness in the stomach or get mild diarrhoea. There are no known collagen interactions with medications.

Probiotics and Prebiotics

In our gut, or our gastrointestinal tract known as the gut microbiota, there are good bacteria and bad bacteria. These bacteria must be balanced to promote healthy aging and it’s when we have a higher level of bad bacteria that we develop health conditions, such as a reduced immune system and obesity. A greater diversity in the microbiota is an indicator of good health, which occurs when we eat a diverse range of nutritious foods.

These gut bacteria, known as microbes, feed on a type of carbohydrate called prebiotics, found in foods like leeks, garlic, onions, asparagus, oats, wheat and chickpeas, and can protect against behavioural and inflammatory conditions.

Maintaining our health as we age depends on factors like our nervous, endocrine and immune systems functioning properly and how these interact with our gut microbiota. As we age, the diversity in the microbiota declines and taking probiotics can help regulate the gut microbiota to maintain our health as we age.

Probiotics are live microorganisms with good bacteria taken to balance out the bad. They are naturally found in foods like yoghurt, kimchi, kombucha, miso, natto and tempeh. While probiotics can help with regulating our immune system, anti-inflammation and regulating our microbiota, specifically, the Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus strains are two that have the potential to affect our aging. These have been proposed to be called gerobiotics, to highlight the importance of those anti-aging probiotic strains.

Probiotics are safe and have significant health benefits for the elderly, such as boosting immunity and maintaining their gut microbiota. There’s no recommended dosage, but make sure it contains the two strains listed above. As for prebiotics, about 4 to 5g per day.

Prebiotics generally have no side effects, but some mild bloating, gas or stomach pain may occur. Probiotics may cause mild stomach pain, diarrhoea, passing gas and bloating for the first few days, or may trigger allergic reactions. Antibiotics and antifungals may interact with certain probiotics.

B vitamins

One of the markers of aging is increased homocysteine levels. This is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, bone loss, bone fractures and reductions in grey matter in the brain.

In order to process homocysteine, our body requires B vitamins: vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B9 (folate) and vitamin B12 (cobalamin). A scientific study found that combining these supplements reduced homocysteine and risk of stroke by about 25 per cent.

Make sure to maintain your vitamin B12 levels as you age, as a vitamin B12 deficiency can increase the risk of dementia.

B vitamins are found in foods like milk, cheese, liver, eggs, tuna, lamb, legumes, brain rice, dark leafy greens and yoghurt.

Each type of vitamin B has its own dosage, with the recommended dosage depending on your age or stage of life. The recommended dosage of vitamin B12 for adults is 2.4 micrograms, although even if you take more, it is generally considered safe as your body will absorb as much as it needs and excrete the rest through your urine. For vitamin B6, doses of 100mg daily are generally safe.

High doses of vitamin B12 may cause side effects like a headache, nausea and diarrhoea. Some medications, like Metformin and Colchicine, can reduce your body’s ability to absorb vitamin B12. Vitamin B6 may cause nausea, stomach pain and loss of appetite.

Other popular longevity supplements

Above are just some of the best supplements for longevity. Here are more with some exciting scientific results:

Theanine: This amino acid is found in certain teas, like green tea. L-theanine supplements may help with improved brain function in middle-aged adults, protecting against liver problems, oxidative stress and inflammation that occurs as we age.

Ashwagandha: One of the anti-aging herbs in Ayurveda, Ashwagandha has been found to have properties that help reduce stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia. It also has the potential to have anti-aging and cell protection effects, as well as anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting benefits. It comes as a capsule, tablet, powder, liquid extract and herbal tea.

Further Reading: Ashwagandha and Longevity: Research behind the benefits

Rhodiola: A plant with strong anti-inflammatory properties that may help promote longevity with its anti-stress, anti-aging and immune-boosting effects.

Astragalus: A traditional Chinese medicine herb used for its stress-reducing qualities. May help reduce oxidative stress, increase our immune function, prevent damage in our cells and activate telomerase, an enzyme that maintains our telomere length.

Fisetin: A flavonoid compound thought to be a serotherapeutic in that it kills senescent cells in tissues, helping to extend our lifespan and protect against the aging of the brain. Learn more about its benefits here.

Glucosamine: This natural compound found in shellfish and fungi, and our own cartilage, may help you live longer. Glucosamine longevity has been found in various organisms, with some believing it can mimic a calorie-restricted diet. It has also been found to prevent inflammaging, or age-related inflammation, protect our DNA from damage and relieve oxidative stress.

Sulforaphane: A sulfur compound found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, bok choy and Brussels sprouts. It’s known to have anti-inflammatory properties and was found to increase the lifespan of roundworms and prevent age-associated heart problems in mice.

Pine bark extract: Also known as pycnogenol, this strong antioxidant potentially has higher potency than vitamin C, vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid and coenzyme Q10. Has been shown to prevent cataracts, help our heart health, reduce blood pressure, improve memory and help reduce arthritis-related pain. Pine bark extract can also benefit the skin, acting as a shield against UV sunlight damage. It comes both as a capsule and in a topical formula.

Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG): This type of plant compound, called catechin, is thought to reduce inflammation, help with weight loss and even help prevent heart and brain disease. They are strong antioxidants that can protect against cell damage caused by free radicals. It’s predominantly found in green tea. It doesn’t absorb that well in the digestive tract, but daily intakes of about 338mg of a solid supplement were found to be safe. Potential side effects of EGCG supplements are liver and kidney failure, dizziness, low blood sugar and anemia, and is not to be taken when pregnant and nursing.

All-in-One Anti-Aging Supplement — Myth or Reality?

The allure of an all-in-one anti-aging supplement is undeniable. Who wouldn't want a single pill that promises to address multiple age-related concerns? We must, however, approach these claims with caution. While some all-in-one supplements may offer valuable benefits, others might fall short on delivering results. It's essential to understand the ingredients and choose wisely based on individual needs.

Supplements are just that, a supplementation to your diet if you’re missing those nutrients. They’re also meant to work alongside your lifestyle choices, such as regular physical exercise and eating nutritious foods.

If you see a supplement marketed as an all-in-one anti-aging supplement, know that marketers are playing on your desire to find a miracle cure to halt the aging process. The best way to truly help you age healthily is to find out where you’re deficient and see what conditions you’re at risk of developing.

This is where biohacking, Xandro Lab’s key premise, comes about. Biohacking is, essentially, do-it-yourself biology, where you make incremental changes to your diet, body and health where you actually need it, rather than taking the same supplements as those around you. By following this framework, you’re going to see stronger results, tailored to you.

Choosing High-Quality Supplements

The supplement industry is unregulated, so it can be easy to fall for claims that supplement manufacturers make about health benefits.

There are ways to evaluate the quality of longevity supplements, though, and that is by checking whether the manufacturer is Good Manufacturer Practice (GMP) certified, a set a principles and procedures that they followed to ensure the product is of high quality. Dedicated manufacturers will also get their supplements third-party lab tested for quality, purity and consistency, which gives you peace of mind that the company is reputable and cares about product quality.

Make sure to also review the ingredients, as the supplement should include natural ingredients with no added preservatives or harmful additives. If it’s a standalone supplement, not a multivitamin, there should be a high amount of that ingredient listed. Some supplements will list other ingredients, such as a vegetable substance for the capsule itself, while other supplements require a compound to help your body absorb it, such as with Calcium AKG.

Also, check the claims that the manufacturer makes about its supplements. Reputable companies should provide access to the scientific claims about their products. This can help you identify counterfeit and low-quality products. It’s incredibly important to understand the evidence-based claims made by supplement companies when choosing the right longevity supplement for you. You want to be sure that the claims they are making are scientifically backed up so that you have a higher chance of the supplement doing anything for you and so you don’t waste your money.

Developing a Longevity Supplement Plan

Like there isn’t an all-in-one anti-aging supplement, there’s no one-size-fits-all supplement plan. We’re all different, whether that be our age, health status, genetics or lifestyle, so what our body needs is going to be different, too. This could also depend on where you live. For example, the majority of Americans are getting less than required vitamin D, with about half being deficient in magnesium, so they may benefit from taking supplements.

Make sure you talk with your healthcare professional before starting any supplement regimen. They should look at your health background, whether you have any medical conditions or have any deficiencies and need additional nutrients. From there, you have a starting point of what supplements to take that you actually require and can then learn about which anti-aging supplements can benefit you and your conditions. Just keep in mind that most doctors aren’t trained in slowing down aging, prevention, nutrition or supplements.

While you’re still young and in you’re 30s, you might want to take vitamin D to build up bone density, magnesium, as at this age, we’re looking to relieve stress and support energy, omega-3 fatty acids for cardiovascular health, B-vitamins to manage stress and support energy and iron for growth and development.

For older adults in their 50s and 60s, supplementing with vitamin C can help improve immune function, so it’s a great supplement to take, especially since this is one vitamin that we can easily become deficient in as we age. Other great supplements for a longer life are calcium, CoQ10 and ginkgo biloba.

Make sure you self-experiment carefully and monitor the changes occurring in your body, introducing new supplements one at a time, so you can determine if you should continue to take the supplement.

Remember, you won’t see results immediately. Certain supplements and products take several weeks or even months to see the benefits, with others help your overall health and protect you in the long run.

Integrating Longevity Supplements with a Healthy Lifestyle

No matter which scientifically proven anti-aging supplements you take, they work best when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise. A nutrient-rich diet is essential to living a long life. If you’re going to constantly eat at fast-food restaurants and not consume nutritious food, you’re not going to live as long and absorb the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants found in nutritious foods. Sadly, poverty and access to quality healthcare are factors that contribute to longevity, too. Other factors that influence longevity include having a community around you, such as healthy relationships with spouses, family members and friends.

While aging has some relation with genetics, there are extrinsic aging factors, such as external factors like environmental factors, UV light and pollution that also play a role in how fast we age. With skin aging, make sure you’re wearing sunscreen, regardless if it’s sunny or not, with UV rays linked to the aging of skin cells, which cause wrinkles, sun spots and other sun damage.

The Future of Longevity Supplements

As science continues to unravel the mysteries of aging, the future of longevity supplements looks promising, with some exciting research results continuously being revealed.

For example, the results around NMN and it now being tested as a potential longevity drug showcase just how monumental this supplement can be in slowing down aging.

There is no one best supplement for longevity. As aging is a result of different mechanisms, a combination of longevity supplements will be necessary for anti-aging, so keep an eye out on any future research coming out, either on this blog, on the news or through Reddit forums like r/supplements and r/biohacking.

Some examples of supplements that have shown exciting results but are awaiting more clinical studies include elderberry, resveratrol, curcumin, CoQ10 and glucosamine.


Healthy aging means being able to continue doing all the things you love as you age by maintaining your mobility, making decisions, maintaining your relationships or making new ones, as well as contributing to your community.

As we age, our bodies start to deteriorate, so healthy aging allows you to remain active, recover from illnesses quickly and reduce your overall risk of getting chronic diseases. Wanting to slow aging isn’t restricted to seniors either, as more and more younger people are taking proactive steps to take care of their health so they can age healthily. Other than our bodies slowing down and slowly deteriorating as we age, our nutritional needs also change, as does our ability to absorb nutrients, with medications and conditions often making this worse.

This is where supplements come in handy, with a range of lifespan supplements on the market and continuously being scientifically tested. They provide users with higher concentrations of essential nutrients to meet their needs. The right supplements can help prevent health decline and slow the aging process, allowing us to continue enjoying an active lifestyle as we get older.

Xandro Lab

Check out Xandro Lab’s supplements to see how they can benefit your longevity and health plans.