
5 Reasons to Take Supplements: Boost Your Health and Wellness

5 Reasons to Take Supplements: Boost Your Health and Wellness

16th Oct 2023

5 Compelling Reasons to Incorporate Supplements into Your Daily Routine

Let’s face it, staying healthy and at peak levels is difficult. It’s the reason why Xandro Lab was established. We’re first and foremost fitness enthusiasts, but even with prioritising our health, there’s always more we can do.

While a balanced diet is essential, it can be challenging to receive all the necessary nutrients solely from the food we eat. This is where supplements come into play.

Dietary supplements are tablets, capsules, powders or liquids of nutrients that might be missing from your diet. Some examples you might have seen include vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, iron and Calcium, and fish oil capsules. The name says it all; they are designed to supplement a person’s diet and provide additional nutrients that they may be lacking.

Around the world, people are becoming more aware of the importance of nutrition and wellness, with factors like improving or maintaining overall health, wanting more energy and boosting the immune system driving the increased consumption of supplements, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. They are also a convenient and accessible way for them to address specific nutritional needs or fill any gaps in their diet.

Here are 5 reasons to take supplements and how taking them can make a positive impact on your health and wellbeing.

Fill Nutritional Gaps

While getting all our essential nutrients from our diet is the goal, with current lifestyles around the world, this can be incredibly difficult. Why take supplements? They are a convenient and effective way to fill these gaps and make sure you’re receiving all the essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients you need to function at your peak.

Modern lifestyles contribute to nutrient deficiencies due to factors like busy schedules and reliance on processed foods lacking essential nutrients. Highly processed and refined foods can lead to nutrient loss, while a preference for convenience foods reduces intake of the recommended diet of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole foods. Dietary restrictions and specific choices like vegetarian or vegan diets can also pose challenges in obtaining certain nutrients, especially if you don’t pre-plan meals or know how to manage the diet. Environmental pollution, stress and sedentary lifestyles also increase nutrient requirements and can deplete essential vitamins and minerals.

Persistent or irregular nutritional gaps are common among the general public and individuals who don’t consume the proper amount of certain foods are likely to be nutrient deficient. Not only that, there are times during life that we require more nutrients than normal, such as iron during pregnancy and vitamin B after about 50 years of age. What’s more, nutrient deficiencies over a lifetime may contribute to serious health issues.

Many Americans, for example, are found to be low in calcium, potassium, dietary fibre and Vitamin D, with iron deficiency a health concern in adolescent girls, women and breastfed infants.

Research has also found that individuals who take vitamins and minerals have less risk of vitamin deficiency or anaemia than those who don’t, which just goes to show why it can be a great idea to add supplements to your diet.

Boost Your Immune System

A strong immune system is crucial for overall health and wellbeing. It helps prevent diseases, enables faster recovery, enhances defence mechanisms, reduces the risk of autoimmune diseases, promotes optimal health and supports longevity and healthier aging.

By consuming nutritious foods and getting enough sleep, you’re able to keep your immune system strong and healthy. If you’re lacking in nutrients, however, vitamins can help ward off disease and other health problems.

For example, vitamin D boosts the immune system by enhancing the function of white blood cells and reducing inflammation. A deficiency in vitamin D can negatively impact immune function and increase your risk of respiratory infections, so taking vitamin D supplements has shown potential in improving immune response.

The mineral, Zinc, is another supplement people can take to boost their immune system. Zinc is essential for immune cell development, communication and inflammatory response. It protects tissue barriers and prevents the entry of foreign pathogens. Deficiency in zinc impairs immune function, increasing the risk of infections and diseases like pneumonia. Research indicates that 16 percent of deep respiratory infections globally are linked to zinc deficiency, although these are relatively rare in developed countries.

A strong immune system is incredibly important for fighting off illnesses and maintaining good health — consider taking them during the change of season — so consider taking supplements, like vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc, to enhance immune function and help your body defend against infections and diseases.

Improve Energy and Vitality

Sustained energy levels are essential for carrying out daily tasks effectively and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. When our energy levels are low, we lose focus, are not as productive and become tired and sluggish. One of the great benefits of taking supplements is that they can give you an energy boost.

A study found that the role of vitamins and minerals in cellular energy production has a direct impact on human health. This includes reducing physical and mental fatigue and supporting psychological and cognitive functions.

B vitamins, such as B12, B6, and B9 (folate), play a major role in converting the food we eat into energy at a cellular level. They help our body use carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and provide us with a steady source of energy. CoQ10, a naturally occurring compound in our cells, is also involved in energy production and acts as a potent antioxidant, supporting overall cellular health and vitality. Including energy-enhancing supplements like these in your diet can have a noticeable impact on your energy levels and wellbeing.

There are also herbal supplements individuals can take. Studies of Ashwagandha, for example, have shown that it can reduce stress and anxiety, lower cortisol levels and improve measures of stress, anxiety and fatigue. Ashwagandha may also alleviate exercise-related fatigue, as seen in a study with elite cyclists. Ashwagandha supplements are also considered safe with minimal side effects. Keep an eye out here at Xandro Lab as this supplement will be available soon.

Support Specific Health Goals

Health and fitness is personal as each of us has a different or specific health goal. Our bodies are unique and when creating a tailored supplement regime, there are many factors that come into play, like genetics, lifestyle and specific health objectives. Whether it's boosting energy, managing weight, enhancing cognitive function or promoting joint health, one of the benefits of supplements is that they can complement lifestyle changes and contribute to our personal desired outcomes.

For example, if it’s weight loss you’re after, supplements like green tea extract, Garcinia cambogia and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) may aid in appetite control and metabolism. For better joint health, you could take glucosamine, chondroitin or omega-3 fatty acids to support the movement in your joints and reduce inflammation. Cognitive function can be improved with supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids, Bacopa monnieri and phosphatidylserine, which promote brain health and memory.

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts often rely on supplements to improve their performance, recovery and support muscle growth. Due to the amount of intense physical activity they engage in, athletes also may require more nutrients than non-athletes. For example, protein supplements like whey protein or plant-based protein powders can aid in muscle repair and growth, while creatine supplements can improve strength and power output during high-intensity workouts. Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are popular for reducing exercise-induced muscle damage and promoting recovery. Pre-workout supplements containing ingredients like caffeine, beta-alanine and citrulline are incredibly popular and can boost energy, focus and endurance during training sessions.

Different supplements can be valuable tools for athletes, fitness enthusiasts and the general public striving to maximise their performance and achieve their health fitness goals.

Aging Gracefully

Aging is a part of life; you can’t stop it. It’s no secret, though, that dietary and lifestyle changes can slow certain aging processes and reduce your risk of age-related diseases.

As individuals strive to maintain their youthful vigour and promote longevity, the use of anti-aging supplements has gained popularity. These supplements are designed to support healthy aging, as nothing can prevent you from this inevitable outcome.

The popularity of supplements also stems from the increasing focus on preventive healthcare. Many people are taking a proactive approach to their health and are seeking ways to support their immune system, heart health, brain function and overall well-being as they age.

Several key nutrients play important roles in promoting healthy aging. Antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, help fight against oxidative stress and reduce cellular damage caused by free radicals. Collagen, a structural protein, supports skin elasticity and joint health, which can decline with age. Keep in mind, though, that this protein needs to be ingested to have an effect. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil and certain plant sources, have anti-inflammatory properties and contribute to heart health and cognitive function.

Overall, the best way to help with your longevity and health is not just by taking supplements. Take care of your body by also eating nutritious food, exercising and reducing stress.

What to Consider Before Taking Supplements

Seeing results from supplements can vary depending on the individual and the specific supplement. Some people may notice changes within a few weeks, while others may take longer, so don’t be discouraged. Taking multiple supplements together is generally safe, but it's important to consider potential interactions and not exceed recommended dosages. If you experience any side effects of supplements, stop taking them and discuss this with your doctor.

Both natural and synthetic supplements can be effective, depending on the nutrient and its source. Make sure you research the ingredients before taking them long-term. Once you’ve decided which to take, check reviews to find reputable brands and high-quality supplements.

Supplements are not a substitute for a balanced diet. They’re to supplement areas you’re lacking due to your diet, lifestyle and genetics. Speak with your doctor or a registered dietitian to determine which supplements are suitable for you.

Check out Xandro Lab’s current products to see if they’re right for you.