
Spermidine research evidence

Spermidine research evidence

25th Oct 2023

List of Spermidine research papers

This page includes a comprehensive list of research papers, clinical trials and more that detail the benefits of spermidine supplements discovered to date. For easier reading and understanding, findings have been summarized in greater detail for you.

No. Product Date Focus Study Title Link
01 Spermidine 6/4/2017 Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant Spermidine protects against oxidative stress in inflammation models using macrophages and zebrafish View Paper
02 Spermidine 1/9/2016 memory performance Effect of Polyamine-enriched Dietary Supplementation on Cognitive Function in Healthy Older Adults With Subjective Cognitive Decline View Paper
03 Spermidine 19/11/2020 cognitive performance The positive effect of spermidine in older adults suffering from dementia: First results of a 3-month trial View Paper
04 Spermidine 1/8/2018 spermidine and mortality Higher spermidine intake is linked to lower mortality: a prospective population-based study View Paper
05 Spermidine 15/10/2022 lipid metabolism Oral Supplementation with the Polyamine Spermidine Affects Hepatic but Not Pulmonary Lipid Metabolism in Lean but Not Obese Mice View Paper
06 Spermidine 31/10/2017 anagen (growth) phase of hair A spermidine-based nutritional supplement prolongs the anagen phase of hair follicles in humans: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study View Paper
07 Spermidine 1/7/2023 metabolic responses Metabolic Responses to Spermidine Supplementation View Paper
08 Spermidine 1/12/24 autophagy An Exploratory Clinical Study on Autophagy and Multi-level Molecular Profiling During Spermidine Supplementation View Paper

Details of each study, including focus, study subjects, dosage, date & results or findings

Paper #01 -Spermidine protects against oxidative stress in inflammation models using macrophages and zebrafish

Summary: Spermidine has been found to protect against oxidative stress and inflammation in both macrophages and zebrafish models.

Publication Date: 6 April 2017

Focus: anti-inflammatory, antioxidant

Study Subjects: lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated macrophages and zebrafish

Dosage: in-vitro study

Results/Findings: The study found that spermidine has anti-inflammatory effects by reducing the production of pro-inflammatory molecules and cytokines in immune cells, as well as decreasing oxidative stress and preventing the recruitment of immune cells in zebrafish larvae.

Paper #02 -Effect of Polyamine-enriched Dietary Supplementation on Cognitive Function in Healthy Older Adults With Subjective Cognitive Decline

Summary: The consumption of spermidine as a dietary supplement was linked to a beneficial effect on memory performance in older adults with cognitive decline.

Publication Date: 1 September 2016

Focus: memory performance

Study Subjects: 30 participants with subjective cognitive decline of 60-80 years

Dosage: 750 mg spermidine, oral daily for 3 months

Results/Findings: Memory performance was found to be moderately improved in the spermidine group compared to the placebo group, as indicated by the contrast mean (CI: -0.01 to 0.35) and Cohen's d (Cl: 0 to 1.53). Mnemonic discrimination ability exhibited medium effect size improvement in the spermidine-treated group, whereas no such effect was observed in the placebo-treated group.

Paper #03 -The positive effect of spermidine in older adults suffering from dementia: First results of a 3-month trial

Summary: In comparison to a group with lower spermidine intake, the study found that taking spermidine for three months led to improved cognitive performance in older adults with dementia.

Publication Date: 19 November 2020

Focus: Cognitive Performance

Study Subjects: 85 Styria individuals of 60-96 years with mild to moderate dementia

Dosage: High and low dosages of spermidine in the form of bakery products, for 3 months

Results/Findings: The clinical data showed a significant improvement in cognitive function among individuals with mild to moderate dementia who consumed a higher dose of spermidine, as evidenced by an increase of 2.23 points (p=0.026) in the mini-mental state examinationg (MMSE) and 1.99 (p=0.47) in phonematic fluidity, with the greatest improvement observed in those with mild dementia.

Paper #04 -Higher spermidine intake is linked to lower mortality: a prospective population-based study

Summary: Increasing spermidine intake may be a potential dietary strategy for promoting longevity and reducing the risk of age-related diseases.

Publication Date: 1 August 2018

Focus: Spermidine and Mortality

Study Subjects: 829 individuals aged between 45 to 84 years who participated in the Bruneck Study

Dosage: Cumulative impact of effect of Spermidine-rich foods across three intake categories: low (less than 62.2 μmol/day), moderate (between 62.2 and 79.8 μmol/day), and high (greater than 79.8 μmol/day) intake

Results/Findings: The study found that as intake of spermicide increased, the rate of deaths per 1000 people per year decreased, with the lowest rate of mortality in the group with the highest intake of spermidine.

Paper #05 -Oral Supplementation with the Polyamine Spermidine Affects Hepatic but Not Pulmonary Lipid Metabolism in Lean but Not Obese Mice

Summary: Spermidine supplementation alters lipid metabolism in a diet-dependent manner, leading to reduced body fat and weight in normal diets, improved weight and blood glucose levels in high sucrose diets, but no significant impact in high fat diets.

Publication Date: 15 October 2022

Focus: Lipid Metabolism

Study Subjects: Male C57BL/6N mice, aged less than 5 weeks

Dosage: Randomly assigned to one of three diet groups (purified control, high sucrose, or high fat) and half of the mice in each group received 3 mM spermidine in their drinking water.

Results/Findings: The effect of Spermidine on serum TG levels is dependent on the duration of Spermidine administration and the diet, with a decrease observed in the high-sugar and high-fat diet groups at different time points.

Paper #06 -A spermidine-based nutritional supplement prolongs the anagen phase of hair follicles in humans: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study

Summary: Spermidine supplementation may help to extend the hair growth phase in people, which could potentially be useful for treating hair loss.

Publication Date: 31 October 2017

Focus: Anagen (growth) phase of hair

Study Subjects: 100 healthy males and females

Dosage: Spermidine-based nutritional supplement, taken orally for 90 days

Results/Findings: The spermidine-based supplement improved anagen V-VI HFs, increased Ki-67 and decreased c-Kit levels after 3 months of treatment compared to the placebo group, and maintained a negative pull test result in all patients after 6 months.

Paper #07 -Metabolic Responses to Spermidine Supplementation

Summary: This study aims to evaluate the impact of a high-dose spermidine supplement on the body's biochemistry and gene activity, specificially looking at inflammation, metabolism, and overall metabolic health.

Publication Date: 1 July 2023

Focus: Metabolic Responses

Study Subjects: Recruiting (generally healthy males aged between 50-70 years)

Dosage: Pure full-dose spermidine supplement, taken orally for 4 weeks

Results/Findings: N.A, in process of study.

Paper #08 -An Exploratory Clinical Study on Autophagy and Multi-level Molecular Profiling During Spermidine Supplementation

Summary: The goal of this study is to investigate the clinical benefits of taking spermidine supplements, while also analyzing how this supplement affects molecular processes in the body. By understanding how spermidine affects autophagy (a cellular process that removes damaged molecules), the study aims to shed light on how this process contributes to psychiatric disorders.

Publication Date: 1 Deceember 2024

Focus: Autophagy

Study Subjects: Active (40 healthy individuals and 40 individuals diagnosed with depressive disorder)

Dosage: 6mg/d spermidine, taken orally for 3 weeks

Results/Findings: N.A, in process of study.