
What's the right dietary supplement for me?

What's the right dietary supplement for me?

11th Oct 2023

Don’t know where to start when choosing nutritional supplements that are right for you?

Vitamins and dietary supplements are important ways to ensure that your body is gaining the nutrients needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Not all nutrients and minerals can be absorbed by the human body through normal diets and some bodies may have different needs. Choose a supplement that is right for your age, your nutritional needs and suits your lifestyle choices and health goals. Therefore, nutritional supplements are important in keeping your body functioning to the maximum level and maintaining its biological processes.

30 to 45 years

With increasing age, your body may need various nutrients to support its biological processes and other bodily functions. Make sure you understand your body’s needs, your health goals, and choose health supplements that will help you achieve your wellness goals, while also keeping in mind your lifestyle choices. If you are looking to increase muscle mass, enhance endurance, performance, and recovery while also preventing ageing. NMN Powder boosts your cellular health and is sure to support you in achieving your health goals. This is a dietary supplement that is backed by science and will be effective to complete your body’s nutritional needs.


If you’re aged 45 and over, you may be interested in supplements that can support bone health and help minimise joint pain and inflammation. As we age, our bodies may absorb different nutrients at a different pace and we may require different levels of certain vitamins to fit our changing lifestyles and fulfil our body’s nutritional needs. With increasing age, our NAD+ levels start to decline which can lead to different age-related health problems. By incorporating supplements such as Xandro’s Pure NMN Powder into your diet, it's believed that we can increase our levels of NAD+ and support overall cellular health, promote cardiovascular health and prevent signs of ageing, and enhance long-term health.

Pregnant Women

If you’re pregnant you may require higher levels of folic acid, iron, and vitamin B12 for healthy red blood cell growth and function and to support the growth of the baby. Therefore you may be advised to take pregnancy supplements during pre-conception, pregnancy, and into breastfeeding to ensure you are providing your baby and body with the essential nutrients it needs to grow. Consume supplements advised by your health professional to support your prenatal nutritional needs.

Fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and sportsmen

Some of the most popular supplements that help athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and sportsmen in improving performance and recovery are science-based and have great outcomes. One such trending and effective supplement that is known to support an athlete’s performance and recovery is NMN. Make sure that you choose high-quality, researched, and tested products such as NMN Powder which is backed by science and known for its purity, potency, and effectiveness. It is sure to help you gain muscle mass, improve your performance and enhance recovery while also increasing your aerobic capacity.

Here’s a checklist to help you choose a well-made nutritional supplement.

✅Do you have any underlying health conditions? If yes, consult a health professional before consuming a health supplement.

✅What are your body’s nutritional needs? Understand what your body needs and lacks before choosing a supplement.

✅What are your health goals? Want to gain muscle, lose weight or boost your immune system? Choose a nutritional supplement that answers all these questions and helps you achieve your health goals.

✅How old are you? With increasing age, your body’s nutritional needs change, so make sure you choose a supplement that is right for your body and its well-being.

✅Does the health supplement suit your lifestyle needs? You must be aware of your lifestyle choices and how these can affect your health needs and goals. So, keep this in mind before starting to consume any health supplements.

Keep the above checklist in mind before choosing a nutritional supplement that is right for you. Dietary supplements can be beneficial for your health and enhance your immune system through consistent support on a regular basis.