
Magnesium glycinate research evidence

Magnesium glycinate research evidence

25th Oct 2023

List of Magnesium research papers

This page includes a comprehensive list of research papers, clinical trials and more that detail the benefits of magnesium supplements discovered to date. For easier reading and understanding, findings have been summarized in greater detail for you.

No. Product Date Focus Study Title Link
01 Magnesium –/06/2021 Sleep Quality Association of Magnesium Intake With Sleep Duration and Sleep Quality: Findings From the CARDIA Study View Paper
02 Magnesium 01/10/2020 Muscle Soreness & performance Effects of Magnesium Supplementation on Muscle Soreness and Performance View Paper
03 Magnesium –/01/2016 Migraine prevention Effects of Intravenous and Oral Magnesium on Reducing Migraine: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials View Paper
04 Magnesium 01/04/2022 Anxiety, Depression & Sleep Quality Effect of short-term magnesium supplementation on anxiety, depression and sleep quality in patients after open-heart surgery View Paper
05 Magnesium 06/05/2021 Bone density An update on magnesium and bone health View Paper
06 Magnesium 02/02/2022 Immune system The Role of Minerals in the Optimal Functioning of the Immune System View Paper

Above is a comprehensive list of research & clinical trials conducted to date.

Details of each study, including focus, study subjects, dosage, date & results or findings

Paper #01 - Association of Magnesium Intake With Sleep Duration and Sleep Quality: Findings From the CARDIA Study

Summary: In a study that involved 5115 American young adults, aged 18–30 years, it was found that Mg intake was associated with better sleep quality after adjustment for potential demographical, behavioral, and nutritional confounders.

Publication Date: – June 2021

Focus: Sleep Quality

Study Subjects: 5115 American young adults, aged 18–30 years

Dosage: No specific dosage; Dietary data, including magnesium (Mg) intake, was gathered through the CARDIA dietary history at three time points: baseline (1985–86), year 7 (1992–93), and year 20 (2005–06)

Results/Findings: Mg intake was associated with sleep quality and duration in this longitudinal analysis.

Paper #02 - Effects of Magnesium Supplementation on Muscle Soreness and Performance

Summary: A double-blind study found that magnesium supplementation reduced muscle soreness and improved performance in college-aged individuals during bench press exercises. The participants reported less soreness, lower perceived exertion, and better recovery after magnesium supplementation compared to a placebo group.

Publication Date: 01 October 2020

Focus: Muscle soreness, performance & recovery

Study Subjects: College-aged male (n = 9) and female (n = 13) subjects who participated in eccentric bench press sessions inducing muscle fatigue and soreness

Dosage: Participants received 350mg of magnesium per day for 10 days

Results/Findings: Magnesium supplementation significantly reduced muscle soreness within 48 hours and showed potential performance improvement, particularly at 65% and 75% of 1 repetition maximum. Perceptual responses favored magnesium, indicating lower perceived exertion and improved recovery, suggesting benefits for muscle soreness and performance.

Paper #03 - Effects of Intravenous and Oral Magnesium on Reducing Migraine: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Summary: This meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, published in January 2016, examined the effects of intravenous and oral magnesium on migraine.

Publication Date: January 2016

Focus: Acute migraine attacks and migraine prophylaxis

Study Subjects: Reviewed a total of 21 studies, with 11 investigating intravenous magnesium for acute migraine (948 participants) and 10 examining oral magnesium for migraine prevention (789 participants)

Dosage: -NA-

Results/Findings: Intravenous magnesium was found to significantly relieve acute migraine within different time frames after the initial infusion (15 - 45 minutes, 120 minutes, and 24 hours). Oral magnesium was associated with a significant reduction in the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks. The study suggests that intravenous and oral magnesium can be part of a multimodal approach to reducing migraine.

Paper #04 - Effect of short-term magnesium supplementation on anxiety, depression and sleep quality in patients after open-heart surgery

Summary: This study assessed the impact of short-term magnesium supplementation on anxiety, depression, and sleep quality in patients recovering from open-heart surgery.

Publication Date: 01 April 2022

Focus: Anxiety, Depression, and Sleep quality in post-open-heart surgery patients

Study Subjects: The study included 60 candidates for open-heart surgery, divided into control and intervention groups

Dosage: 500 mg of magnesium daily, split into two 250-mg magnesium oxide tablets, for a duration of five days

Results/Findings: Following the intervention of Magnesium Supplementation, the intervention group exhibited significantly lower levels of anxiety and depression compared to the control group, with improved sleep quality.

Paper #05 - An update on magnesium and bone health

Summary: This review, published in Biometals in 2021, provides an update on the relationship between magnesium (Mg) and bone health, emphasizing Mg blood levels, dietary intake, and supplementation.

Publication Date: 06 May 2021

Focus: Relationship between magnesium (Mg) and bone health since 2009, considering Mg blood levels, dietary intake, and supplementation

Study Subjects: The review covers 28 eligible studies, including those related to Mg blood levels, Mg dietary intake, and Mg supplementation

Dosage: The studies on Mg supplementation varied, with dosages ranging from 250 to 1800 mg

Results/Findings: Mg blood levels are associated with osteoporosis, and around 30–40% of subjects, mainly menopausal women, exhibit hypomagnesaemia. Additionally, about 20% of individuals consistently consume lower Mg quantities than recommended, leading to lower bone mineral density and increased fracture risk. Most Mg supplementation studies showed benefits in terms of bone mineral density and fracture risk.

Paper #06 - The Role of Minerals in the Optimal Functioning of the Immune System

Summary: This article discusses the role of minerals in supporting optimal immune system function and regulation of inflammation, with a focus on magnesium.

Publication Date: 02 February 2022

Focus: Importance of minerals, particularly magnesium, in maintaining a well-functioning immune system and managing inflammation

Study Subjects: Does not involve specific study subjects but provides an overview of the role of magnesium in immune function

Dosage: N.A, but dietary recommendations for magnesium intake, which can vary based on age, gender, and activity level, typically range from 270-500 mg per day

Results/Findings: Magnesium plays a crucial role in regulating immunological functions, affecting immune cell subpopulations, influencing both the innate and adaptive immune systems, and modulating acute and chronic inflammatory processes. Magnesium deficiency can lead to an imbalance in immune function and increased inflammation.