
What You Need to Know About Ashwagandha

What You Need to Know About Ashwagandha

2nd Aug 2024

What is Ashwagandha FAQs: Part 2

Have you been thinking, ‘What vitamins should I take?’

Ashwagandha is a herb that has many benefits and medical uses. It’s been used in Ayurvedic and traditional medicine for thousands of years, and nowadays, it has been looked at scientifically to figure out just how it works.

We’ve written posts about this supplement before, so check out our blogs or head to our first FAQ post about ashwagandha.

This post will cover a range of other commonly asked questions about ashwagandha that you might be wondering about, plus where you can buy ashwagandha Singapore.

What does ashwagandha do?

Ashwagandha is used to relieve stress, help with sleep, boost energy levels, improve concentration, improve fertility and potentially boost athletic performance. It’s found as ashwagandha powder or extract that’s taken from the plant’s roots or leaves, so it can be taken a variety of ways, depending on what suits the user.

Does ashwagandha work?

Ashwagandha has been taken long before scientific studies were conducted on it, so it has previously been lauded for its benefits through personal experience. There are a range of studies done and being conducted on the herb and while stronger studies are needed for various claims, others, such as its benefits in relieving stress, have shown that it works. You can find the clinical trials linked below.

Further Reading: The Difference Between Shoden®, KSM-66 and Sensoril® Ashwagandha

Is ashwagandha good for you?

Herbal supplements aren’t to be taken by everyone. Studies have found that ashwagandha can reduce stress and anxiety levels as well as reduce fatigue, so for the right people, the herb is a great supplement to take.

It’s also not great for those with immune issues as it can cause the immune system to become more active. Also, those taking antihypertensive drugs should not take ashwagandha as it can cause their effects to be amplified.

Can you take ashwagandha while pregnant?

Ashwagandha is not good for those who are pregnant or breastfeeding as it can cause distress to the baby and may cause miscarriage.

Do I take ashwagandha in the morning or night?

In terms of when to take ashwagandha, it can actually be taken at any time of the day due to its range of benefits. If you’re looking for calmness and relaxation benefits, you can take it both in the morning and the evening and see which benefits you. Can you take ashwagandha at night? Yes, you can take it at night for its relaxation benefits, too, to help you fall asleep, but keep in mind that for a small number of people, ashwagandha may make you feel more energetic, so it may cause you to struggle to go to sleep. If this is you, try taking it early in the day. Just make sure not to take it on an empty stomach as it may give you a stomach ache.

Further Reading: Should I Take Ashwagandha In The Morning?

How long does ashwagandha take to work?

This depends on what you’re taking it for, but generally, it takes at least 4 to 12 weeks to experience benefits from taking ashwagandha, but this also depends on the ashwagandha dosage.

For example, for anxiety, 600mg daily may take up to 60 days to show results, though 1000mg daily might work in six weeks. For how much ashwagandha per day for testosterone, at least 600mg daily can show results in about eight weeks. Stress relief can be seen in four weeks, with some people experiencing effects within a few hours. Weight loss effects are typically felt at eight weeks.

Make sure you’re taking a formula of ashwagandha that absorbs fast, such as Shoden® Ashwagandha.

Further Reading: How Long Does It Take to Experience Benefits from Xandro Lab Supplements

What are ashwagandha side effects?

Ashwagandha has been found to generally be safe and well-tolerated, even in doses of up to 1,000mg. Its most common side effects are a headache, an upset stomach and diarrhoea. Make sure you buy supplements that have been third-party tested, such as Xandro Lab’s Shoden® Ashwagandha, as if the supplement contains any contaminant, cases have been reported of liver problems, although this is rare.

What does ashwagandha do for men?

Other than the general benefits mentioned above as well as increasing testosterone in overweight men, ashwagandha benefits for men include helping improve sperm quality in men with fertility issues, possibly due to its benefits on stress relief, sperm count and sexual desire. Studies have also shown that ashwagandha may also increase strength in muscle activity as well as reduce total body fat percentage.

Does ashwagandha increase size?

There is no evidence stating ashwagandha can increase size, nor help with erectile dysfunction, despite anecdotal evidence stating otherwise.

What does ashwagandha do for women?

Ashwagandha benefits for female users vary, as many of the general benefits such as stress relief and improving sleep help women greatly. Specifically, though, ashwagandha may impact the endocrine system, which monitors mood, stress response and reproduction, which may help women deal with hormone imbalances such as anxiety, depression and sleep.

It may also affect stress, inflammation and hormone fluctuations due to the menstrual cycle, balancing reproductive hormones, and possibly balance cortisol levels. By doing so, it may also reduce PMS symptoms, such as soothing cramps and reducing fatigue. It may also improve fertility by regulating hormones.

Does Ashwagandha make you horny?

Ashwagandha may improve libido due to its effects on reducing stress and benefiting your mood. This means it may benefit sexual function and has been found to improve lubrication, orgasms and sexual arousal in women.

Does ashwagandha help with anxiety?

Several clinical trials suggest that ashwagandha extracts can significantly reduce stress and anxiety. A 2021 review identified seven studies with 491 adults from India, showing that taking ashwagandha (240 to 1,250mg/day) for 6 to 8 weeks reduced anxiety, sleeplessness, fatigue, and cortisol levels compared to placebo. Three further studies further support these findings, showing that doses of 225 to 600mg/day also improve stress, anxiety, depression and overall well-being. Benefits often appeared within 30 to 90 days of use, with participants reporting increased calmness, better sleep quality and lower stress hormone levels.

Does ashwagandha lower blood pressure?

Ashwagandha may lower blood pressure due to its stress-reducing properties, so it’s not recommended to take ashwagandha with medications that lower blood pressure as, if taken together, it may go too low.

Does ashwagandha make you gain weight?

There is currently no evidence that links ashwagandha with weight gain. On the contrary, since ashwagandha may help with stress relief and improve sleep and metabolism, it may actually help reduce weight gain. It may also improve energy and exercise performance, you may find that you’re enjoying workouts and experiencing more gains, therefore improving your weight management goals.

End Note

We hope that has answered more of your questions regarding ashwagandha and its benefits!

Looking for ashwagandha supplements Singapore? You can check out our supplement store here at Xandro for our patented and highly absorbable Shoden® Ashwagandha. Be sure to read the ashwagandha reviews to see what people are saying!