
Longevity News February 2024

Longevity News February 2024

4th Mar 2024

What was New in Longevity in February 2024? What was new in the longevity field in February 2024? Here, we’ve compiled the latest research on longevity for this month, highlighting the exciting longevity articles and progress that might change the future. Hevolution to Fund Longevity Technology Hevolution Foundation has introduced 49 awards to drive longevity studies and …
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A Guide to Maca Root Powder

A Guide to Maca Root Powder

26th Feb 2024

What To Know Before Taking Maca Root Powder Maca is a plant used for thousands of years as a natural remedy for various health issues. It originates in the Peruvian Andes mountains and is actually a cruciferous vegetable related to broccoli, cauliflower, kale and cabbage. Maca contains various vitamins and minerals, as well as fibre, macamides, macaridine, alkaloids and glucosinolates. Le …
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Resveratrol and Brain Function

Resveratrol and Brain Function

26th Feb 2024

How Resveratrol Can Improve Your Brian Function What is Resveratrol and What Does It Do? Resveratrol is a naturally occurring compound found in some plants, such as grapes, peanuts, berries and knotweed, along with dark chocolate and red wine. It’s a polyphenol, a plant compound, that comes in two forms, or isomers: cis- and trans-. Trans-isomer is more stable and has been extensively stu …
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What Does Vitamin K Do for Your Body and Do I Need to Take It?

What Does Vitamin K Do for Your Body and Do I Need to Take It?

26th Feb 2024

Do I Need to Take a Vitamin K Supplement? There are so many vitamins that our body needs that it can be difficult to figure out what we need to eat daily to get each of them — our list of vitamins and nutrients and where to find them might help! One of these is vitamin K, one not many people may have much knowledge about. We constantly hear about vitamins A, C and E as well as B vitamins …
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Can I Take Magnesium Cream or Oil Instead of Pills?

Can I Take Magnesium Cream or Oil Instead of Pills?

19th Feb 2024

Does Topical Magnesium Actually Work? We all know just how important magnesium is for the processes in our body (if interested, read more about that here). But what about topical magnesium and is there scientific evidence behind its use? We’re sure you’ve seen it touted on social media and in ads for its benefits of helping reduce muscle soreness and helping people sleep better. You’ve …
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