
Choosing the Right Magnesium Supplement: Benefits & Side Effects

Choosing the Right Magnesium Supplement: Benefits & Side Effects

18th Oct 2023

The different forms of magnesium and their benefits Our bodies need magnesium for over 600 essential enzymatic reactions, such as energy production, regulating our blood pressure and muscle contraction. The body only absorbs around 30 to 40% of the dietary magnesium we consume, which makes it challenging to get enough from our diet. A magnesium deficiency can cause or be a side effect of va …
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Enhancing Cognitive Function: Nutritional Supplements & Memory

Enhancing Cognitive Function: Nutritional Supplements & Memory

18th Oct 2023

Nutritional supplements to improve focus, concentration and memory as we ageOur cognitive function refers to our ability to think, reason, learn and remember information. This includes mental processes like our attention, perception, memory, language and problem-solving. As we age, it’s common for our cognitive functions to slowly worsen, including our memory. Everyone is different, though, with m …
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What are the benefits of Calcium AKG?

What are the benefits of Calcium AKG?

18th Oct 2023

Is Calcium AKG good for my heart? Alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) is a compound most known for its role in energy production. It’s an important component of the Krebs cycle, which is a series of reactions that create ATP (energy) from the foods we eat. AKG supplements have been found to have numerous other health benefits, too, including supporting bone, brain, metabolic and cardiovascular health …
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Side Effects of Magnesium and Benefits of Magnesium Glycinate

Side Effects of Magnesium and Benefits of Magnesium Glycinate

18th Oct 2023

5 Side Effects of Magnesium Supplements Magnesium is an essential mineral needed for hundreds of enzymatic reactions within our bodies. These range from producing energy to regulating our blood pressure to even helping our muscles contract. As important as this mineral, for some reason, our bodies can only absorb around 30 to 40% of the dietary magnesium that we eat, which means we don’t al …
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Biohacking for Beginners: A Quick Introduction

Biohacking for Beginners: A Quick Introduction

18th Oct 2023

Introduction to Biohacking Do-it-yourself biology, also known as biohacking, is the practise of making little adjustments to one's physical makeup, dietary habits and way of life in order to enhance one's health and quality of life. This type of human enhancement includes factors like making changes to your diet, lifestyle or taking dietary supplements. Examples of biohacking range from som …
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