
The Best Natural Supplements for Weight Loss

The Best Natural Supplements for Weight Loss

21st Nov 2023

Supplements for Weight Loss that Work

For many of us, work entails sitting at a desk in the office with barely any movement during the day. Along with the calorie-dense foods we eat, maintaining a healthy weight can be incredibly difficult.

Getting to a healthy weight comes from a number of areas, such as eating a balanced, nutrient-dense diet, having plenty of movement and sleep, as well reducing our stress.

Other than a range of metabolism-booster foods, like bananas, salmon, oats, peanut butter, eggs and chilli, sometimes, depending on where we are in life, some of these are not feasible, so people turn to supplements.

Weight loss supplements often claim to work by enhancing carbohydrate metabolism, boosting fat-burning or energy expenditure and suppressing appetite. There are also supplements that indirectly contribute to weight loss by promoting overall health and sustaining energy levels, thereby warding off common dieting effects like fatigue, cravings and potential nutrient deficiencies.

Before you try any supplements to help with your weight loss journey, speak with your doctor to ensure nothing will interfere with your medications, as well as to learn of any health risks.

Remember, supplements are not a regulated market, so you’re relying on the safety and efficacy information provided by the manufacturer, and sadly, many claims are not backed up.

Supplements To Help You Lose Weight

In our bodies, there is a range of vitamins and minerals that play various roles in supporting a healthy weight, hence, it’s important to eat a balanced and nutritious diet. That’s not possible for all of us, unfortunately, so here are a few supplements you might want to consider:


A quality multivitamin can provide our bodies with important minerals. Make sure they include B vitamins, as they have an important role in energy metabolism, as well as iron, which is needed to carry oxygen through our body and support building lean muscle mass.

Protein Powder

This can help with weight loss as our bodies burn more calories digesting it and it also helps us stay full for longer. Other than that, it can also help support metabolically active lean muscle. You can also increase the protein in your diet.


Fibre prevents fats from being absorbed into the body and helps you feel full for longer, preventing snacking. It also helps support a healthy weight and can improve your body’s response to insulin. Fibre also decreases the absorption of macronutrients, changes the release of gut hormones and helps maintain our gut microbiome, which is important for many functions of our body.

Further Reading:The Importance of Gut Health


Have you ever asked yourself the question, “Are there any supplements that can help with weight loss without exercise?”

Spermidine is thought to mimic the effect of intermittent fasting and calorie restriction and activate autophagy in our bodies, where our body clears out old cells and replaces them with new ones, helping our metabolism and energy use. This means, for days you’re busy and can’t exercise or go about intermittent fasting, a spermidine supplement can help. Spermidine also changes our gut microbiome and function, protecting against obesity. Taking spermidine daily has also been found to lower body mass index.

Further Reading: Spermidine and Weight Loss

Experience the weight loss benefits of Xandro Lab’s Spermidine!


Caffeine is a stimulant that’s often used in many weight-loss supplements, with studies finding it may help reduce weight, body mass index and body fat, and it’s one of the supplements that use fat for energy.

Green Tea

Green tea may curb your appetite and raise calorie and fat metabolism. It contains catechins and caffeine, both of which have been shown to aid weight loss due to their stimulatory effect, possibly in that they stimulate our metabolic system.

Green tea extract, in particular, was found to have a small weight-loss effect in overweight individuals, although keep in mind that it was a small effect. It might be best to just to stick to drinking green tea throughout your weightless journey, especially since it has other benefits too. Side effects include nausea, vomiting, bloating, gas, diarrhoea and insomnia.


Ashwagandha may help with weight loss by increasing the appetite suppression hormone, leptin, making one feel more full from less food. Ashwagandha may also help you reduce stress and receive quality sleep, further aiding your body in weight loss.

Further Reading:Benefits of Ashwagandha

Try Xandro Lab’s Shoden® Ashwagandha today!


Resveratrol has been found to lower body mass in obese patients, along with reducing weight, BMI, waist circumference and fat mass, and increasing lean mass. While it hasn’t been found to affect leptin and adiponectin levels, along with the longevity benefits of resveratrol, it may be a supplement you might want to start taking.

Grab your bottle of Trans-Resveratrol today!

Calcium AKG

Calcium AKG may help in the maintenance of a healthy body weight by inhibiting weight gain. One of the ways it does this is by improving our gut microbiome. In mice, AKG has been found to decrease body weight and improve obesity and morbidity factors, such as lowering fat mass and improving glucose intolerance. Make sure to take calcium with vitamin D.

Further Reading: Can Calcium AKG Impact Weight?

Learn more about Xandro Lab’s Calcium AKG and try it out today!


Gut health is incredibly important to our overall health, including our weight. The balance between good and bad bacteria in our gut microbiome can cause unwanted changes within our bodies, so taking probiotics that contain various good bacteria has been found to help reduce body weight and body-fat percentage.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

In terms of what vitamins are good for losing belly fat, fish oil has been found to help decrease abdominal fat rather than weight loss generally in the body. Combined with lifestyle changes, a fish oil supplement may benefit weight loss as well as longevity benefits.

Further Reading: Fish Oil Shelf Life


NMN indirectly increases our metabolism and energy use, possibly lowering fat accumulation, which is helpful as we get older and gain weight. In animal studies, it’s been found to reduce fat mass and increase lean mass, as well as improve glucose intolerance. A study by Harvard also found NMN can reduce body weight in overweight adults, reduce blood cholesterol and improve blood pressure, all effects of obesity.

Discover how NMN Powder or Capsules can benefit you!

Interested in which supplements don’t have enough research behind them? Read here.

Deficient Vitamins that May Cause You to Gain Weight


Needed to maintain a healthy body weight, it’s been found to reduce body mass index, body weight and waist circumference for people with diabetes, obesity, hypertension and magnesium deficiency (which is many of us). Think of it as a natural fat burner and one of the minerals and vitamins that burn fat while you sleep.

Try out Xandro Lab’s Magnesium Glycinate, one of the fastest absorbing forms of magnesium, meaning you can increase your magnesium levels faster and experience its benefits.

B Vitamins

B-group vitamins support a healthy weight as they’re used for energy production and are needed for the metabolism of fat, carbohydrates and protein. Vitamin B3 (niacin), in particular, helps break down carbohydrates and turn them into energy. A small link between B12 deficiency and weight gain or obesity has been found, but speak with your doctor first, especially when taking high doses of vitamin B1 as a diabetic.

Make sure to also stick to recommended daily allowances of B vitamins, as high B-vitamin levels may lead to weight gain.

Vitamin D

It’s been found that people with obesity often have lower levels of vitamin D, possibly due to fat-storing vitamin D, keeping it from the blood, as well as a lack of exercise in the sunshine. Some studies have found that supplementing with vitamin D can help with weight loss in both adults and children, especially in postmenopausal women combining vitamin D and calcium.

Vitamin C

It’s been found that those with enough vitamin C in their bodies burn 30 per cent more fat during exercise, than those with a vitamin C deficiency. This means that low vitamin C levels can prevent fat loss when exercising.

Remember, in most cases, more research is still needed to fully understand the effects of these supplements on weight loss, so it’s important to remember that these are there to be taken alongside your healthy diet and weight loss plan. They’re not a replacement.

Supplements for Hypothyroidism

Remember, managing weight, especially when you have hypothyroidism, should be approached under the guidance of a healthcare professional. While the supplements on our list may help, hypothyroidism can affect your metabolism, making it important to work closely with a medical expert who can provide tailored advice and monitor your progress.

Healthy weight management often involves a combination of a balanced diet, regular physical activity and medical guidance. Your healthcare provider can help you create a personalised weight loss plan that suits your individual circumstances, so make sure to have a chat with your doctor before taking any new supplement, particularly if you take medication, are preparing for surgery or have health issues.

At Xandro, we are further developing products that can be helpful in supporting healthy weight, so do join our mailing list to be updated on our latest releases. 

If you think you want to experience the benefits yourself, why not try Xandro Lab’s Spermidine 10 mg via our 30-day refund guarantee?