
The Different Types of Sleep

The Different Types of Sleep

22nd Mar 2024

What Are The Different Stages of Sleep We all sleep and we all need to sleep. It’s incredibly essential for our development and then for our bodies to maintain themselves as we get older. Sleeping is a process, however, and it’s quite interesting to learn about the different stages we go through each night, especially if we’re trying to fix our sleeping habits. These stages allow ou …
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Sleep Deprivation and its Effects

Sleep Deprivation and its Effects

19th Mar 2024

What Happens If You Don’t Get Enough Sleep? It’s something you always hear about for a healthy life; eat well, exercise regularly and get enough sleep. Don’t do one and you’re possibly undermining the rest of your efforts. Sleep is a human need, just like eating, drinking and breathing. Our body requires it to maintain good health and to help other systems in our body. In the US itself, …
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The Benefits of Magnesium Glycinate

The Benefits of Magnesium Glycinate

17th Mar 2024

Is Magnesium Glycinate Good For You? Magnesium is an essential mineral for our bodies. It’s used for hundreds of processes and reactions in our bodies: regulating our blood pressure, helping with muscle contraction and being used for energy production, just to name a few. Magnesium glycinate is one form of magnesium that is highly bioavailable, meaning it absorbs well into the body. It’s a …
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Magnesium For Constipation? Which To Take?

Magnesium For Constipation? Which To Take?

17th Mar 2024

Is Magnesium Glycinate Good for Constipation? Is Magnesium Glycinate a laxative? Magnesium glycinate is one of the best forms of magnesium on the market due to it being highly absorbable and therefore, helping boost your magnesium levels fast. Other magnesium glycinate benefits include being one of the best magnesium supplements for sleep, anxiety, depression and stress and possibly for cer …
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Safety and Magnesium Glycinate: What to Know

Safety and Magnesium Glycinate: What to Know

17th Mar 2024

Is Magnesium Glycinate Safe?Is it safe to take magnesium glycinate every day?Magnesium glycinate is generally safe to take each day, even if your levels are adequate, as any excess will be excreted from your kidneys.Before taking magnesium supplements, always speak with your medical professional as they can assess your medical history and inform you of any possibly interactions between any medi …
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